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About Us

Find. Be Found.

"Find. Be Found." Our motto represents our cause, to allow youth soccer players to find teams, and for players to be found by scouts and coaches.

Our Story

Our story started in the summer of 2023 when our founder, Sarthak, was working on creating a board game. After realizing his board game wasn't fun, he started looking for a new venture. He was told to create something for youth soccer scouting. He noticed the US youth soccer system was heavily flawed, putting players of a lower economic status at a steep disadvantage.

Sarthak is now working on creating a platform to fix this issue, and this website serves as a way for him to share his progress.

Sarthak is currently seeking funding to hire app developers to create his app and benefit thousands of kids and their dreams. If you would like to fund his idea, please reach out to @skoutd.platform on Instagram.

The Team

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